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Cooking with Kids educates and empowers children and families to make healthy food choices through hands-on nutrition education with fresh, affordable foods.

When kids help prepare healthy foods, they’re more likely to eat and enjoy them!

In School Classrooms

Cooking with Kids provides fun and positive experiences with healthy foods and give kids confidence in the kitchen.

Started in 1995, Cooking with Kids serves over 6,000 children in Northern New Mexico every year.

In School Cafeterias

Cooking with Kids helps school cafeterias use local food, cook from scratch, and successfully introduce new foods into the lunchroom.

Local chefs and farmers share their expertise to create cafeteria-culinary connections.

In the Community

Cooking with Kids builds classroom-to-kitchen bridges that support healthy eating efforts at home.

Cooking classes provide a non-intimidating environment where family volunteers feel they can contribute with their knowledge of food, cooking, and a desire to help their child.

Working in partnership with public schools for over 25 years, Cooking with Kids has nurtured generations of students through rich and unique nutrition education—and developed a rich library of resources.

 The BIG little Project now serves as the platform for Cooking with Kids to share these resources nationwide.

We learn about our world when we cook.

We take care of ourselves when we cook.

We use math and science when we cook.

I love to cook because I can express myself in a way with foods. Also because I get to see what foods go well with each other and have great taste!

Carmen, age 11Cooking with Kids participant

The program allows students to try new foods, encourages healthy habits, and opens their eyes to a wider world.

Kindergarten TeacherAmy Biehl Community School, Santa Fe, NM

I volunteer with Cooking with Kids because it is important to teach our kids how to cook healthy meals as a team safely in the kitchen. It is a great learning experience we can learn and then do at home. This program has taught my two boys the importance of eating healthy and being safe in the kitchen.

Parent VolunteerGonzales Community School, Santa Fe, NM

To learn more about Cooking with Kids’ programs in Northern New Mexico, visit

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